Two years old is a great age.
My two year old, “A,” still talks, walks and runs funny. And she has that pure-joy smile that most of us lose at around three or four.
Her awareness and understanding grow daily. Latelyy, she’s been surprising us by making a relevant contribution to what my wife and I thought was a private conversation.
Bath time reminds us that, after all, she is just two.
She’s eager and excited to get in the bath. Until it’s time to wash her hair.
“Look up and stand still. I’ll keep my hand over your forehead and no water will go in your eyes,” I say.
Futile. Pointless instruction.
She has a basic lack of understanding that she’ll only gain with age and experience.
My eleven year old understands the silliness of his two year old sister. He’s far more mature, of course.
But that’s only true until until we bump up against the limits of eleven year old maturity.
And it’s futile to try to explain it to him:
“Look, you know how “A” won’t stand still when we wash her hair in the bath? And if she would just stand still she’d never get any water in her eyes? We explain it to her, but it doesn’t help. She doesn’t have that level of understanding yet, right?”
“But if she would listen, she would be a lot happier, wouldn’t she?”
Smiling, “Of course.”
“It’s the same with you, son. If you’d listen to what I’m telling you, you’d be a lot happier, too. So trust me and just do what I’m telling you, OK?”
We humans need to learn from our own experiences. Just the way it is.
So when my wife and I are patient, well rested and thinking clearly, we slow down and think of how we can give him an experience rather than a lecture. How we can align our advice with something he also wants.
And that experience will persuade him far more than any logical argument.
This evolution and growth of our awareness and understanding never ends.
And so, naturally, this reality affects how your customers decide to buy from you – or not.
In order to attract great customers, your message needs to meet them where they are. At their current level of ‘maturity,’ understanding and awareness as it relates to your product and service.
Get this wrong and you’ll either have few clients – or poor quality ones.
Attaining this understanding of your ideal customers is the upfront hard work that makes EVERYTHING afterwards easier and effective.
There’s a systematic scientific way to gain this understanding and I teach it to all my clients going through my 1-1 and group coaching programs.
When they finally, deeply understand the nuanced psychology of their ideal clients, and use that insight to build a consistent flow of great clients and customers, their lives are changed forever.
If you’re ready to build a steady, consistent, predictable flow of ideal customers and clients, then apply now for a free “Consistent Flow of Customers” strategy session.
You qualify if:
- – You already have a business.
- – You’re doing OK, but you’ve plateaued. And you’re actively looking for a coach or consultant who can help you break through.
- – You know you should be able to add $100,000 or more to your income in the coming year.
These are valuable sessions that will give you immediate actionable insights. And at the end, we’ll spend a few minutes exploring if we should work further together.
Dov Gordon