This guy was doing a Rubik’s Cube during services…

There was this guy standing in synagogue doing a Rubik’s Cube during services yesterday.

I’d been looking around the room when I noticed him and realized what he was doing.  And where.

And then I saw he knew what he was doing. The colors started lining up.  And then he was done.  He put it down on the table and turned his attention back to services.

Turns out it wasn’t his cube.  He’d found it on the table and wanted to leave things better than he’d found them.

“Tell me,” I asked later, “There must be a system for solving those, isn’t there?”

“Sure,” he said.  “There are pattens. You need to learn to recognize the patterns.  It’s math.  You just need to memorize some algorithms.”

He lost me at math.  And my eyes glazed over when he said logarithms.  But PATTERNS – THAT I get.  Because it’s the same in building a consistent flow of customers.  And that’s an area where I’ve paid my dues.  I’ve learned to see the patterns – and it changed my life.

You’ve probably done your own twisting the Marketing Cube this way and that, hoping to get the thing solved.  You may get lucky and solve one side.  But to solve the whole puzzle, you need to learn to see the  patterns, the structure that makes it work.

In any area of human excellence, many pick up a cube, spin it this way and that, and put it down with a chuckle.  “This can’t be done.”   They quit before they started.

There are also those who, like my nine year old, take the cube apart and put it back the way he wants it. These are the marketing plumbers and the wide-eyed techno-zealots.  They discover you can peel the stickers and put them where you want them – and no one will know!  Imagine that!

But the techno-zealots never learn to THINK. They never learn how to see the patterns, the structure that makes you marketing work.

I beg you – don’t be like them.  There’s no pride in that work.  And not much money, either. Unless you’re the cult leader.

Finally, there are those who stand there twisting and hoping and turning and hoping until one of two things happen:

  • They’re forced to get a job.
  • Or they realize someone out there must know the pattern.  And they go learn it.
If “they” is you, go now and get a copy of my manual on “How to Systematically and Consistently Attract First- Rate Customer” because:

1.  You’re eyes will be opened to the patterns that make your marketing work.  You’ll learn how to THINK – a skill that keeps you ahead, whatever the technology.

2.  Simple, step-by-step fill-in-the-blank worksheets to apply what you learn.

3.  Hands on help from me  via my private Oasis Forums.  Do the worksheet and post your work in the Oasis for feedback and help.

Here’s what’s NOT included:

1. Lots and lots of information to keep you stuck in the illusion that you don’t know enough.  Because the truth is you know more than enough to get moving.  What you’re lacking is someone to simplify it and help you focus only on the critical 10% that will make you look brilliant 90% of the time.

2.  Lessons in using Twitter, Facebook, SEO or sandwich boards. I leave this to the marketing plumbers.  The good ones are great people and we need them.  But only after your structure is in place.

3.  No fluff.  No padding.  No math. And no algorithms. You get only what you need to know to create a system that brings you a consistent flow of customers – within weeks.

Go here now and get your copy.  I’ll meet you in the Oasis and we’ll get your going TODAY.

Dov Gordon

About The Author

Dov Gordon

Dov Gordon helps consultants and coaches get clients - consistently.