Rube Goldberg was a cartoonist famous for designing elaborate, comical processes for getting simple things done.
Rube’s ‘inventions’ are the epitome of looking at what something can do and getting very excited about it.
In your excitement, you forget that what you really want is the shortest path to your goal. Not the most exciting.
So his “Safety Device for Walking on Icy Pavements” includes attaching an elaborate frame to your dog, a fake hand, a snapping turtle, massive shears and a feather pillow.
Each of these can do what Rube wants them to do, but gosh, just because it can work doesn’t make it the shortest, most direct path to your goal.
Now reflect for a moment on what many people do to attract clients.
I can only assume they’re graduates of the Rube Goldberg School of Client Acquisition.
Have you been in a LinkedIn group lately? Have you seen the madness that goes on in those places?
One professor at the Rube Goldberg School is reportedly teaching this: “If you want more clients, go into a LinkedIn group and post questions.”
And so LinkedIn groups are full of people asking questions that never needed to be asked.
And who answers them?
Well, fortunately, there’s another professor at the RGSoCA teaching this: “If you want more clients, go answer questions in LinkedIn groups.”
And so there are plenty of people sincerely answering all those questions that never needed to be asked in the first place.
The irony: The only ones who take no notice are the very clients both the askers and answerers are looking for.
This LinkedIn group story is, of course, just one example. Twitter, blogs, Facebook and the entire Internet is full of people who confuse “getting attention” with “earning respect.”
You’ll attract the best of clients, consistently, when you strike at the root, rather than hack at the leaves. When you keep things simple and do the things that will earn you the respect of your ideal clients.
On this page I teach you the most direct route to a client-attraction system you’ll find anywhere.
Dov Gordon