The Count of Monte Cristo was a page turner. Did you read it?
Edmond Dantès. Now there was a man with power! He made things happen. I admit that I loved the book because I was awed by, and jealous of, his almost super human power.
Who wouldn’t want to be like him?
With elaborate planning, brilliance and perfect self-confidence, the Edmond Dantès tantalized, mystified and terrorized the people around him. Depending on whether they’d helped him or crossed him.
We all want control. Power. Influence. And Edmond Dantès-like self confidence.
And we can have power and confidence – if we just take it.
There’s always something you can do right now to get more clients. To improve your skills. To make a sale.
The average person won’t do it because he worries he’s not ready.
But real power comes from doing what’s in front of you now.
More power is given to the one who uses the power he already has.
Our brains are wired for self-deception.
They tell us we need to do big things to get big results and the small next step isn’t worth the effort.
They tell us we need to get it right the first time. We need to be better than we are before we can take the next step. So why not put off till tomorrow what you can’t do perfectly today.
Yes, we are wired for self-deception.
A smart fellow once said “A belief is not an idea that is held by the mind. It is an idea that holds the mind.”
Isn’t that true!
Around here we talk about Mental Toughness – which simply means keeping your brain focused on Reality.
Mental Toughness – being grounded in Reality – is the source of all your current and future power.
What does Mental Toughness mean to you?
Let me know your thoughts by adding your comments below.
Dov Gordon
PS – In the coming weeks I’ll be scheduling another handful of “Consistent Flow of Clients” strategy sessions. They’re free. And powerful. You’ll finish the call with your next steps being clear.
To request a session fill in the form over here.