Testimonial: “I got more from Dov in just over an hour that from the other speaker in six.”

This just in:

“On Monday, the day after Dov’s seminar on “How to Build a Step-by-Step Selling System that Brings You All the Customers You WantI used what I learned to get a new client.

“I used Dov’s idea to change the way I replied to her request for a quote and this was instrumental in closing the deal.  Not only did we get this new client, but the seminar helped me spot an opportunity to offer the client an additional service, of which she wasn’t aware at first. The client loved my idea, which added 30% to the value of the project. Over the next year, I expect the impact of this small change to snowball.

“Two days after the seminar, I was at an industry event listening to a speaker for six hours.  He was a professional sales person who has been selling in the translation industry for 15 years.  He also talked about some of the same ideas as Dov.  However, he wasn’t able to articulate them as clearly and succinctly.  I feel I got more from Dov in just over an hour than from the other speaker in six.”

— Leah Aharoni


About The Author

Dov Gordon

Dov Gordon helps consultants and coaches get clients - consistently.