Recently someone we’ll call James unsubscribed. He left a note explaining why, which I appreciate.
His reason: “Nothing new. Same old marketing stuff. Nothing original.”
Fair enough, because there are two reasons people study marketing:
1. It’s entertaining.
2. It will change your life.
If you’re reading for entertainment, no question about it – others are far more entertaining than I am.
Then there are the readers who don’t just read – they study and they implement. They are the ones who write me saying “I listened to your [free] teleseminar three times. Thank you! You explained this in a way that made it so simple. No one ever explained it that way before.”
They’re the ones who take step 1, even if they don’t know how they’ll take step 2.
While most people are playing this game not to lose, these folks play to win.
They’re scared like everyone else. They feel doubt like everyone else. They’ve experienced disappointment, like everyone else.
BUT, these folks follow the omens. And the omens say “Continue. Soon, it will come together.”
They’re not looking for a quick fix, but for a well trodden path.
They know that in this life, nothing worthwhile comes easy. They’re willing to work hard – with only one condition: They want to be working hard on things that add up. On the critical 10% that makes them look brilliant 90% of the time.
A quick look at James’ website and you see he hasn’t implemented the “same old unoriginal” basics. I can only assume that James is looking for entertainment. Nothing wrong with that. I’m not here to judge.
But if he was interested in mastery, he might have gotten a copy of How to Systematically and Consistently Attract First-Rate Customers.
He would have begun filling the blanks in the Manual. He’d be posting his work to my private Oasis Forums for fast feedback and real-world help. He would be doing things. And making fast progress.
There’s no cheaper way to get this level of help with your marketing that I know of.
Most of the people around you talk about growing their business, but what they really want is to be entertained.
But a select few actually do the work and they find there’s nothing more entertaining than the rewards of building – brick by small brick.
Dov Gordon
PS – After you read all about it, if you have any questions post a comment below.