You get the clients you deserve.
To attract great clients, you need to BE a great client.
You know the old saying that “Birds of a feather flock together.”
It’s true. Eagles don’t hang out with pigeons.
- A great client is someone who respects you and the transformation you can help them make. But they take full, 100% responsibility for their own life and their own results.
- They carry what is theirs to carry and don’t look to blame you or others. Or gripe and moan.
- They implement. They do what they can do right now. Even if they’re not sure how they’ll cross that second bridge over yonder.
- They put one foot in front of the other, even when they’re scared. They don’t sit around waiting for the fear to go away. They know it won’t – until they act.
- They follow their gut. Even when their brain tries to talk them out of it. If their gut says “You should do it,” they’ll invest the money and get what they need to grow. Even though their brain is saying “Yeah, but what will so-and-so say?” And “That’s expensive, you really can’t afford it!”
Did you ever read a biography of someone you admire? I’m sure you read about someone who followed his or her gut. You didn’t read about someone who followed the Voice of Perpetual Caution and Timidity.
I still remember a struggling coach who reached out to me. He wanted to be charging his clients $1,000 a month. But he’d never paid that for his own growth. And he had all sorts of lame excuses for why he couldn’t afford working with me.
As long as he tells himself pigeon stories, the best he’ll do is attract pigeon clients. Clients who listen to their own excuses. Who find all sorts of reasons for why they are not responsible for their situation in life.
Like with everything I write to you, this is a lesson I’ve had to learn the hard way.
I’m as tempted as anyone to point fingers. To feel sorry for myself. To be lazy. To be fearful. To worry about what if I spend the money and it doesn’t work out. And to fret about what so-and-so will think.
But I’ve learned how useless all that is.
And as I grew, so did the caliber of my clients.
Kids are a great mirror:
“I caaaAAAaan’t.”
“You CAN’T – or you don’t WANT to?”
Usually you could. You just don’t want to. Not badly enough. So you ‘enjoy’ the short term pleasure of self-pity instead.
The good news is that to become an eagle, you don’t need a multi-year metamorphosis. You just need to act like an eagle in the very next moment.
Get a clear mental picture of how you would “be” if you were the leader you want to be – and need to be – to attract the clients you want to be attracting.
Most people will not slow down long enough to get that picture clear. It requires effort. If you do just that, you’re already being an eagle. You’re taking the step right before you.
What would the Eagle-You do right now, this moment, that the pigeon-you wouldn’t?
Then do it. Even if it scares you. (It will.)
Even if there’s no guarantee of success. (There isn’t.)
Even if you don’t know what will be the step after next. (You’ll find out what it is when you get there.)
There are many, many people who WANT to attract great clients.
But they don’t want to give up the comfort of roosting on the eaves with the pigeons.
Dov Gordon
PS – A great first step is the our Plenty of Clients 100 Day Sprint.
It’s perfect if you know you’ve been playing small and you’re ready to turn your expertise into a thriving business.