Would you want credit for a superpower you don’t have?
I suppose it depends.
If you’re about to be mugged and your assailant suddenly thinks he caught a glimpse of a big red “S” on your chest, and a calm, confident twinkle in your eye, that will work in your favor.
But what if you teach people to attract a consistent flow of clients, like I do?
Would you want people to assume you hit every ball out of the park?
A subscriber wrote this to me recently:
…I always get the impression from your emails that you, without a doubt, have a consistent flow of customers. I read your emails and think, “Even though I’m ignoring this call to sign up for one of Dov’s seminars, someone, after reading this email, is a whole lot closer to becoming Dov’s next client.” I think this because your emails are really good…of course they are! They’re a part of the marketing strategy that you teach, so naturally you practice it yourself.
Today, for the first time, I got a different impression from your email–you’ve been hyping up Wednesday’s workshop for a few days or weeks now (I haven’t been counting exactly), and I figured by now it’s for sure full–how long can it take for Dov Gordon to attract 8 new customers? Just 8!”
Hmm. First, this nice fellow (I say that sincerely – he is) missed that I was promoting THREE separate web workshops in less than two weeks. Not one!
He also appears to credit me with a superpower I don’t have – that everything I do always succeeds!
Some ‘gurus’ want us to believe that everything they touch turns to gold. And if you buy their training, you can be Cool, too.
But Wannabes looking to rub elbows with Cool were never my target market.
Well, for starters, I don’t have the right hair.
And we’ll end there, too.
I want to attract Students. Or what I’ve called “Becomings.” People who themselves are learning and growing and becoming someone great.
People who KNOW they have a lot to offer. People who are already succeeding. But it’s just not yet consistent. It’s haphazard and they want steady, predictable, consistent. At a higher level.
And the best students are not looking for coolness. They’re looking for the best teacher who will help them learn and master real skills.
Real skills that will get them real results.
I’ve got a secret for you: The best teachers don’t hit every ball out of the park. Nor do they pretend to.
Having said that, I do have a superpower. And I’ll reveal it to you.
And I hope I don’t underwhelm you.
Or don’t dry up any tasty illusions.
But my superpower is simply this: I March On.
Every day I get up and March On.
And because of that, over the years I’ve learned and mastered a very valuable set of skills – and business growth I’m proud of.
Another part of that is getting punched in the gut. Weathering disappointment. Setbacks.
Part of marching on is trying new things – and moving FAST.
Without second guessing yourself. Without waiting until it’s perfect.
Why? Because even when you’ve mastered one piece, there’s always another level. And you’re not going to get it all right the first time you try. But if you don’t March On, you’re not going to get it right – ever.
Now, I didn’t fill every web-workshop. Did I want to? Sure. Alas, there’s more fine-tuning to do to make the results you can expect from participating clearer to more people.
But there’s a lot going on here that isn’t visible when you’re just a subscriber.
I wanted to test something out and polish it as fast as possible. So I scheduled three within two weeks, and promoted them.
Overall, the “Your Marketing Helium” live web-workshops were a great success. EVERY participant reported gratefully that they got a tremendous value from it. And I learned what I needed to learn from doing so many in such a short time.
And I’ll be doing them every month. (But you may not get emails about all of them. Again, not everything we do here is visible from the outside.)
Part of being human is that we’re naturally drawn to people who have a ‘superpower’ we want for ourselves.
Just some people can see beyond the glitz and glamour – and they’re the ones who will eventually have glitz and glamour for themselves.
What do you think? I’d love to hear – leave a comment below.
Dov Gordon