How the master closes a sale.

Last week someone asked me if I teach “closing.” As in how to get someone to buy.

I said no.

I can’t teach something I don’t know how to do myself. And I don’t know how to ‘get’ someone to buy.

But I do know how to sell.

And my feeling is that if you’re having trouble closing, you dropped the ball earlier on. But you missed the clues early on.

So it’s only at the end, when your prospect starts to back away, that you realize something is amiss.

But the answer isn’t to fix the end. The answer is to fix the beginning and the middle so that by the time they reach the end, they’re eager to move ahead.

The beginning is all about ensuring you’ve got a consistent, predictable flow of the right kinds of prospects reaching out to speak with you. If you’re not talking with the right people, no closing technique in the world will create a happy paying client.

The middle is how you lead the sales conversation. From the very first word, all the way through. Around here we teach “How to Elegantly Control Your Next Sales Conversation”

The end. Well, that’s where they’ve come to the clear conclusion that they want what you’re selling. And when they really want it, they’ll find a way to buy it.

If you’re talking to the wrong people, and / or if you’re losing control of the sales conversation, better closing isn’t going to help you much.

This is why in my “Plenty of Clients Implementation Program” we work to put all these pieces in place for you – as fast as possible.


Because when you get the foundation right, you don’t need to rely on ‘getting’ people to do anything.

They want to work with you.


Because they can clearly see how it will help them.

If you are a coach, consultant or other expert and you KNOW you should be able to add $100,000 or more to you income in the coming 12 months…

AND you’re not afraid of hard work. In fact you are working hard…

BUT it’s just not adding up to a consistent, predictable flow of your ideal clients…

THEN, I invite you to request a free “Consistent Flow of Clients” strategy session with me.

You can apply here.

Dov Gordon

About The Author

Dov Gordon

Dov Gordon helps consultants and coaches get clients - consistently.