Dov Gordon's FORCE
As seen in:
Is your way of getting clients
simple, repeatable, systematic and consistent? 
NO?  Then read through this page now. Because a LOT can change in just 28 days.
Our 4-Week, Hands-On, Done-with You Transformation
  • How many good prospects ignore you - because you lack the language to grab their attention?

  • How many say "No thank you" simply because they couldn't see how YOU were different; that YOU were the one who really could help them?

  • How many hours slip through your fingers because you don't follow a simple, daily plan for getting leads and clients?

  • Are you tired of settling for average clients - and ready to go after the ones you REALLY WANT?
I'm looking for consultants who want a SIMPLE, ACTIONABLE, daily plan that brings you great clients.
Will a simple plan bring you more clients, more easily?

Yes! Because when it's simple, you do it.  When you know exactly what to do each day, you're no longer overwhelmed. You do it.

And because you do it, it works.  It brings you clients.  Consistently.

"The Force! Program has gotten me to stop thinking and start doing."
"Dov has a great way of cutting through the fog, and getting to the heart of what needs to be done to attract your ideal client.

Dov does a great job monitoring your progress and makes sure you stay on track.

While many are satisfied once they get your credit card, and happy if you drop the ball and don’t bother them, Dov is not...  He will push you until you are clear in your approach and on the path of success."
Sheldon Mayer
Force! Graduate
I shocked them again and again:
"How did you get that CEO as a client?!" they wanted to know.

My name is Dov Gordon. 

And while I'm an excellent coach and consultant, getting clients didn't come naturally to me.

For years, I struggled to find the people I could help.  And when I found them, they often wouldn't 'get' how I could help them.

It was easy to fall into the trap of thinking "I must not know enough!"  And so, I'd get the next book, the next course, the next shiny object that promised to fix things for me.

And then one day I had an epiphany: "Dov," I said to myself, "you could study marketing and sales your entire life and still not cover a fingernail's worth of what there is to know.  It can't be that you don't know enough!  It must be something else!  But what?!"

It was then that I discovered that there are two paths to thrive as a consultant, coach or expert:

The Path of the Charismatic Guru vs. The Path of Mastery.

I was stuck on the first.  It overwhelmed me and wasn't working.

But I belonged on the second.

Finally on the Path of Mastery, I found my voice, my plan, and a consistent flow of ideal clients.

It wasn't long before other consultants - somewhat enviously - demanded to know: "HOW did you get the CEO of THAT company as a client!?"

Eventually, I shifted my focus to helping other consultants, experts and firms - who are great at what they do.  But getting clients doesn't come naturally to them.

And now, I'd like to lead you on a four-week intensive built for consultants.  We call it "You: A Force to Be Reckoned With!"

When You Are A Force to Be Reckoned With:

You only go after the clients you really want. No more settling.

  • You consistently identify these ideal prospects.

  • You easily earn their attention and interest.

  • You get plenty of 'at-bats' - conversations with perfect prospects for you.

  • You close with great new clients. Consistently.

PLUS - you get my personal help and support for the following 4 MONTHS!
Here's How We'll Do It:
Two weeks to build Mass.   Two weeks to build Acceleration.
The Clients YOU Want

Everybody knows you need a niche.  You need a client profile.  Yadda, yadda, yadda.

But let me ask you:

Do you wake up and passionately go after the clients you really want? Or do you settle for the ones you think you can have?

88% of the consultants I talk to answer, "No. I'm not going after the clients I really want.  Because I don't know how to Find them. How to Reach them.  And, sometimes, how to Close them quickly."

But the truth is just the opposite:  When you make a firm decision to go after the clients you really want - a COMMITMENT not to settle - that's when you find a way.

Once you've made this choice, you're ready to craft a Simple, Compelling Message.

If you've struggled with this before, there are a couple of reasons why this time it will finally come together:

1.  You must first commit to your ideal client.  It's a necessary prerequisite.

2.  Setting modesty aside: No one is as good at messaging for consultants, experts, agencies and firms as I am. I'm known for this.

And in this first week of "Force," I work with you directly to craft a simple, compelling, head-turning message.  Designed specifically to get the attention and interest of your ideal clients.

This is the first part of building your Mass - the real substance of effective marketing.

The Clients Want YOU
Once you get your ideal client's attention and interest - you're in immediate danger of LOSING IT!

What must you do?  Present your ideas and experiences in a way that makes you immediately stand out.

If you go talk about what you do in a way that sounds (yawn) like everyone else, your ideal client thinks, "Hmm.  You sound like all those others.  And they couldn't help me.  So I assume you can't, either.  Bye."

Except you can help them.  You are the One They've Been Looking For!

In Week 2, I work with you personally to present your key ideas and experiences in a way that makes you stand out.

(Many coaches charge $5,000 - $10,000 just for the work you'll be doing in Week 2.  And they're not as skilled.)

There you have it:   The Clients You Want will now also want you.

Because now, you have Mass.

Time for Acceleration.

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"I signed up for Force! in the hope it would jump start the marketing I'm doing for my executive coaching and consulting business..."

"I am just finishing the four week program this week, and here is what I already got from it —

1. A LOT more clarity around who I want to work with and how I help them. And how to state that succinctly in my client’s language.

2. A clear and simple plan of how to engage with and ultimately sell to more prospects.

3. A greater sense of confidence, ease, and focus when I am talking to prospects and referral sources about what I do.

I highly recommend "You: A Force to Be Reckoned With!"

Jeff Munn
Force Graduate
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"Even before completely finishing a rough version of my marketing system, three leads dropped in my lap... Each sales conversation was a pleasant constructive experience where the prospect at some point asked me 'What do you recommend?' ... just as you predicted. Beyond pleasant it was also successful; I closed two out of the three deals...

Many, many thanks for these magic weeks, and looking forward to more magic to come!"
Jaap van den Eersten
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"Other programs and consultants I worked with in the past were kind of like a chocolate bar – very sweet, tasty at the time, lovely, but afterwards was a bit like empty calories… I think that was the biggest difference with the work I did [with Dov].

...You’re designing and building a process that fits youyour own personality and your own business

I’m really focusing on that next right step, and I have a much better sequence now that I can actually apply."
Susan Kleinschmidt
"I was thinking I had to do everything, but I was overwhelmed and I was doing nothing."

"Sales and Marketing, for me, always felt like the first time I visited one of those big Chinese restaurants where the waitresses wheel trolleys of enticing dishes but you have to choose what you want...

Dov asked what I liked and didn’t like, and how hungry I was, then helped me choose the marketing/sales dishes that would be the most useful for me.

I genuinely feel like I'm a new person."

Clarke Ching
Force Graduate
Your Pool of Perfect Prospects
Your perfect prospects are out there.

Together, we'll define and design YOUR method for sourcing leads, connecting with them and of course, how to convert those leads into paying clients.

By the end of Week 3 you will have a step-by-step system, customized for your strengths and targets.

All for getting your dream clients into sales conversations, with a polished set of messages and emails designed to get a response.

You: A Force To Be Reckoned With
You're almost done!  And it's only been three weeks!

Week 4 is for planning the daily activities you will follow to execute your new marketing system.

The key will be consistency. YOUR schedule that you will follow.

The temptation is always to take on too much.  Nope.  We design yours for consistency.

When you have a minimalist plan (Acceleration) plus significant Mass (compelling messaging, for ideal clients) - You Are A Force to Be Reckoned With.

Ideal clients are drawn to you.
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Troy Martin is a different kind of consultant: He helps people retrofit their homes with central vacuum cleaning systems.

Troy took over a family business from his father, but he wanted to transition to a different sort of client.

But the clients he enjoyed working with the most were harder to find and harder to convert.

Together we devised a plan that is...

Elegant. Repeatable. Even enjoyable.

"I've worked with coaches before who specifically say they can help turn your business around, get your business on track, and while they've been good, they have not gone to the depth and breadth of providing tools and a very defined process that - regardless of what kind of business you have and what sector you're working in - will help propel your business forward... until now."
Vicki Lauter
"When I get on the phone with somebody now and I talk to them, I am so crystal clear about what I deliver, I can describe myself in whatever terms I need to describe myself, I’ve figured out what the keys are, I can talk to all their various needs and problems now.  I listen and sort it out very quickly…

I am capacity right now!"
Jenny Trautman
"You know you'll be held accountable and that's the 1st time I've seen this executed as promised."
"During “Force” it became clear that Dov and his team do things differently. 

Real interest and interaction in the closed group, on their own platform, not some FB group.

Personal, individualized tracking of your results. You better not be late on an assignment because he will hunt you down…in a good and friendly way ;-).

You know you'll be held accountable and that's the 1st time I've seen this executed as promised.

I feel sometimes the 4 weeks may have been a challenge with keeping up for the small team as well, but they pulled us all through. The calls were long but dissecting someone else's issue was done in a exemplary way, so listening to it was just as helpful as seeing your own issues handled.

Very effective and real feedback was given by all members. An asset to the whole experience.

I really feel like I have been handed the framework that will allow me to make a difference."
Faroshia Bergraaf-Ashley
Force Graduate
Why I'm so excited to work with you, now:
There's a difference between accelerating into your marketing plan and just stumbling into it.

I love the excitement of working with a small group of high-achievers building lightning velocity.

When you optimize these weeks, you're not wishing and hoping for a change - you're creating it! 

Really, it's a challenge:  If you don't want to sit down a month from now, working the same old way and getting the same so-so results - will you accept the challenge of Becoming the Force - now?

"Dov is amazing. Two things I really really appreciate and respect about him are the fact that he cares so much about his clients, and he has this brilliant strategic mind that’s just so good at zeroing in on what’s most important and figuring out solutions to issues that really matter.

Both of those things are rare. I know a fair amount of people that have one or the other of those traits, but it’s very rare to find both of them at once.

(In fact, it’s so rare I’ll share with you that I’ve actually tried on multiple occasions to get Dov to leave his business and come work for me in my company. I even tried to buy his business just to get him to join me, but he’s very committed to the work that he does on his own for his clients. So that was a non-starter, but I hope he was flattered at least.)

Really there are very few people in the online world or elsewhere that I respect and appreciate as much as Dov. So if you’re thinking about working with him in some way - consider this my glowing endorsing vote of confidence."

Danny Iny, CEO and Founder, Mirasee
Time always goes faster than you think.
Time IS on your side, IF you seize the opportunity.

I'm committed to making these 4 workweeks the ones that up-level your business for all of this year.


That's why I'm offering "Force", as the ONE thing you can do NOW, to make the biggest impact.

Let's build momentum and plan your growing revenue for this year, and beyond.
"BOOM! After 4 weeks, I know my audience, I've designed a program... To say your caring is palpable doesn't even come close to describing it."
"To say your work is awesome, wouldn’t be enough. To say your caring is palpable doesn’t even come close to describing it. 

I have never experienced anything like The Alchemist Entrepreneur. Personal attention? I can’t count the ways I have received coaching and feedback.  And not just any coaching and feedback, but Insightful and SPOT ON. Direct and clear. Said and done. You guys are simple and clear geniuses.

Since I signed on with The Alchemist Entrepreneur:
·         I quit the ongoing enticements of “just one more thing and you’ll be there.”
·         I cleaned out volumes of notes and information I had gathered and carefully organized, thinking I was constructing an essential string to get me “there.”
·         I have a set of usable tools and a commitment to use them to attract what I have dreamed of doing for I can’t tell you how many years."

Chavah Golden
Force Graduate
"I am notoriously bad at finishing programs I sign up for(bright shiny objects syndrome coupled with busy family schedule).
​​​​​​​But I was hopeful I could do this."
"Working with Dov and Miriam has been terrific. I was hesitant to join The Force since I’ve been following Dov for ages and I wasn’t sure what would come of it. I am notoriously bad at finishing programs I sign up for (bright shiny objects syndrome coupled with busy family schedule). But I was hopeful I could do this. I am also not good doing things on Facebook because every time I start I fall down a rabbit hole there. Luckily this program didn’t use Facebook!

The Force program had easy to complete modules that helped me to refine my simple compelling message and that alone has been a game changer. I use my simple compelling message as my “elevator pitch” or introduction and it really attracts attention. I developed my hand raising free offer and I’m super excited about that. Plus I’ve learned a very doable way to connect with my target audience on linked in and that has been successful! So overall, it’s one of the best programs I’ve done in terms of being able to use the material right away and having a major impact on my business. I would highly recommend this program..."
Alicia Berberich
Force Graduate
"Talking with Dov, you can tell that he’s different from others I’d spoken to. I felt he actually cared.
However, the leap to participating in the paid program was a bit scary..."
"There are so many offers on the Internet from so many people.  And they all sound fantastic.  It’s a challenge to know what it will really be like.  You ask yourself “Am I going to find out anything new that I don’t already know?  Will this really put me in a better place?”

As with most decisions you have to go with your instincts and as soon as I went ahead I knew I made the right decision!

...For me, it’s been a massive shift. Massively useful.   It’s the difference between sounding like everyone else and sounding like someone who cares, who can help, and who can attract the right kind of person.

Now, I have a process so that instead of having to chase after people constantly, I can stand my ground and say ‘This is what I do.’ 

I now feel confident that my message is going to be heard and that my hard work is going to reap the rewards I seek."
Tony Mazzotti
Force Graduate

"Force!" is NOT a 'training' or a 'course.'  It includes training, but it's so much more.

Each week, I will give you very specific tasks - to build your direct-to-the-client marketing system. You will do the tasks.  And then you get my undivided feedback and guidance - 1-1 coaching from me to help you create the best system possible.

"Force!" is all about getting it done.  Quickly.  Ready to implement in 4 weeks or less.

And then - you get 4 MONTHS of After-Program Support. (See below...)

But there's more... because I want to blow your business out of the water!

So you also get two of my best trainings AND extra support:

Plenty of Clients Training Suite - This is the very same training we've sold separately for $1,997.

It has been getting rave reviews for the last six years.  Zero fluff.  100% nuanced substance. You get this the entire training suite free - with lifetime access.  (Value $1,997!)

How to Elegantly Lead Your Next Sales Conversation - This is is my 7+ hour training on leading your sales conversation.  Even my clients with millions of dollars in sales behind them rave about this training.  These skills are life-changing.  And they're taught in a way that makes them simple and crystal clear for you to master them.  (Value = $497)

4 MONTHS of After-Program Support! Email your questions and I will personally answer you.  (Value = $2000!)

NOTE: You'll get access to the bonus trainings after you complete Force! because you'll get more done if you're not distracted by additional training.

If your marketing feels ad hoc and haphazard...

  • If your best clients tend to come from relationships and referrals, but unpredictably.

  • And if you don't want to become a Facebook Ads Ninja / content marketing machine / shiny-suit salesman (and you sense it isn't necessary)

  • You know if you had more 'at bats,' more conversations with the right people, you'd have many more clients.

...But finding them is hard.  Reaching them is hard.  And when you do, often they don't 'get' what it is you do.


You're one of the 4 - 6 people I'm looking for.
(I don't work with more than that at once, because I want you to have all the attention you deserve).

Let's get your marketing system in place, now, before any more time goes by.
You: A Force To Be Reckoned With
You: A Force To Be Reckoned With!
Build your SIMPLE 'direct-to-the-client' marketing plan.
Enjoy personalized guidance like no where else!
$4,899 value
Elegant Sales Conversation Training
7+ hour training ensures you never again 'wing it' in a sales conversation.  Elegantly lead ideal clients to say "Yes!" to working with you.
$497 value
Plenty of Clients Mastercourse
This is the exact training we use with our $10k clients.  And we've also sold it on it's own for $2k. Zero fluff, 100% practical.
$1,997 value
After-Program Support 
Includes four months of email access to Dov to ask any questions and get help with any issues or opportunities that come up - to help you execute .
$2,000 value
100% Happiness Guarantee:
Details below!
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Total Real Value:
$9,393 value
Currently 'Force' is being offered on a 1-1 basis only.

For more details and to see if you qualify, message Dov directly at
[email protected]

You: A Force To Be Reckoned With!
Build your SIMPLE 'direct-to-the-client' marketing plan.
Enjoy personalized guidance like no where else!
$4,899 value
Elegant Sales Conversation Training
7+ hour training ensures you never again 'wing it' in a sales conversation.  Elegantly lead ideal clients to say "Yes!" to working with you.
$497 value
Plenty of Clients Mastercourse
This is the exact training we use with our $10k clients.  And we've also sold it on it's own for $2k. Zero fluff, 100% practical.
$1,997 value
After-Program Support
Includes four months of email access to Dov to ask any questions and get help with any issues or opportunities that come up - to help you execute .
$2,000 value
100% Happiness Guarantee:
Details below!
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Total Real Value:
$9,393 value
Currently 'Force' is being offered on a 1-1 basis only.

For more details and to see if you qualify, message Dov directly at
[email protected]

The 100% Happiness Guarantee

I believe with 100% certainty that  Force! will change your business forever. It works. So I'm willing to take a chunk of the risk.

Here’s how it works:  Join us. Do the assignments in Week 1 and join the small-group coaching call.  That way you’ll have 5 days to decide if what we’re doing is for you.  If not, email me before Friday of Week 1 and we’ll give you a refund of everything minus $500.

Why minus $500?  Because that’s your skin in the game.  This is a program where we work hands-on with a small number of people.  It’s not a ‘course’ or ‘training’ where we can add as many people as we want. So the $500 keeps out the tire-kickers and allows us to give our all to those as committed as we are!

Let me show you how much you can achieve in just 28 days! The risk is almost entirely mine.

Join me.

"And now, I have a clear plan."
Stephane Fjelddahl
Force Graduate
What to expect on the program:
The Experience

The First 4 Weeks:
Each week has its assignments and homework. Those will be reviewed, developed and perfected with my direct help - over email and Zoom calls.

What if you need some extra help?  No problem.  You and I will get on another call. I'm committed to getting your marketing system whipped into shape in 4 weeks, period.

After Program Support:
After the first 4 weeks, you're still not on your own!

You have 4 months to ask me questions and get support directly from me via email.

NOTE:  We don't use a Facebook group.  Why?  Because real coaching and skills building can't take place in a Facebook group.  It's just not built for that.  And we take our work with you too seriously. You're not alone.

ALSO you will have access to our entire Plenty of Clients suite of training materials ($2000 value alone - you get this after the first 4 weeks), allowing you go to a much deeper level of understanding, just like clients on our long-term coaching programs.

Force = Mass x Acceleration

Mass is the substance: What to say. To Whom. So they instantly 'get' what you can do for them.  And they want to know more.   It's how you present your ideas to instantly stand out and be understood.

Acceleration is your simple direct-to-the clients plan that actually works.  You see it works, so you implement it. And you accelerate.

When you bring Mass and Acceleration to your marketing, clients can't ignore you. They don't want to.

You: A Force to Be Reckoned With!

"Because my work matters so much to me, I'm very glad I enrolled in the Force Program with Dov and his team."
"My time as a member of the Force team with Dov Gordon has been challenging and helpful. It was challenging because I had deeply embedded marketing myths/bad habits that were slowing me down.

I come from a long line of entrepreneurs who all built their empires at their kitchen table. We're the kind of people who think that whatever we want to do, we can figure it out on our own. My story proves that when you're in the kitchen, reinventing the marketing wheel, you miss out on all the proven paths to business profitability and mastery.

This is an Old dog/New Tricks story. I opened myself up to business leadership I could trust. I sought out Dov after I heard him speak on Melanie Benson's 'Amplify Your Success' podcast. And like he teaches in the Force, he delivered on that podcast a simple compelling message. I'm glad I listened to him.

If you're ready to get out of your comfort zone and create a simple process for business success, you're ready for the Force."

Georgianne Holland
Force Graduate
One final word from Dov:
Hey, Dov Gordon here again. I really hope you rise to the challenge and join me on this program. I cannot wait to take you to a better place in your business and peace of mind.

If you have any questions, use the chat box on this page to ask away.  Or email me directly:  [email protected]

Speak soon,
Copyright 2025 The Alchemist Entrepreneur, all rights reserved