First step to turn your expertise into a real business

I got permission to share the following email with you.

It’s from “J” who registered for my brand new web-workshop called “I Spent Thousands On Info-Products – now how do I make it all work?”

“I first encountered you from the Instant Teleseminar success series. I then found you were part of Bnonn Tennant’s group (or he is part of your group 😉 It can be a small virtual world at times.

“So, I’ve listened to a few of your seminars and read your emails. You and your approach seem very practical and down to earth. Minimal or no hype and sincere interest in giving people what works and is useful – based on your own real world experience. I see the value, relevance and insight in what you teach and your approach to getting clients and working with clients. I’ve been ‘on the edge’ of applying for one of your free sessions.

“My background; I’ve been an executive coach for the last 14 years – since the beginning of 2000. And, for 12 of those years – I’ve been an employee executive coach on a salary. Two years ago I acted on my entrepreneurial fantasy and left the comfort of full time employment and a nice salary to start my own coaching practice. I’ve survived through contract work to my previous employer and a few coaching colleagues. I’ve failed to establish any business that is founded on effective marketing and all that goes into that. My aim is to develop a ‘real business’ that has reliable and scalable systems for marketing, sales and operations/delivery. What you teach and offer provides an important foundation for that.

“And so, when your email offer of this web workshop came through – the price was right and the workshop focus was spot on. It was an irresistible offer to get help on this crucial piece of marketing and business clarity. I’m looking forward to it.

“Look forward to joining you at the workshop.”

J’s story is very common. Most of the people I work with have found themselves in a similar situation.

If your situation is similar, then go now and enroll.

It’s this Wednesday. Live with me. 2.5 – 3.5 hours.

Only 8 people or less – and we’re already half full.

I’m going to help you build out the most important first step to creating your very own steady, consistent, predictable flow of ideal clients.

This won’t be just telling you what to do. I’ll be helping you do it. Which is why we’re keeping this small.

It’s only $229. And it’s fully guaranteed.

Go here now to get one of the remaining four spots before they’re gone.

Dov Gordon

About The Author

Dov Gordon

Dov Gordon helps consultants and coaches get clients - consistently.