Are You Ready for A Client-Getting System As Good As Your Client-Serving Systems?
Are You Ready for A Client-Getting System As Good As Your Client-Serving Systems?
Hi, I’m Dov Gordon.
And if there's one thing I've learned on my journey as a consultant, coach and expert it's this:
You must treat yourself as your own client.
Easy to say. Hard to do.
But just as you wouldn't tolerate your client going about their business in a haphazard, scattered, 'winging it' kind of way - you've got to stop accepting that from yourself.
I bet you've mastered your craft. You're great at what you do. And yet, you're falling way short of your potential.
Why? Because you don't yet have a simple, repeatable process for getting ideal clients. Consistently.
Imagine if you didn't have simple processes for serving your clients. You'd be a mess!
Now, isn't it time you had a simple plan for getting great clients? A plan you believed in?
Of course it is.
"I feel really good about the progress that I made during the program... When I look at the message that I have now versus the message I had before, it really is much more compelling...
[Before] I really all just sounded like everybody else, like every other project management or new project innovation consultant out there.
...In any given month, I’d say between 500 and 1000% the number of people that sign up for my list versus where I was before. What I’ve seen as a result is more sales conversations."
Q: "Do I need to know my niche?"
"Lois" is a successful lawyer, with 25 years of corporate law behind her. She was bringing in about $250k a year - and wants to double it. Consistently.
A few months ago she messaged me on Facebook and asked:
"Dov, do I need to know my niche before joining the Plenty of Clients 100 Day Sprint? Because I'm really good at what I do and I can help all kinds of clients."