CASh episode 3: How To Always Know What To Do Next

Does your marketing feel haphazard?  All over the place?  Unfocused?  Then you’re probably hacking at the leaves.  Skidding across the surface.

Working from the top down instead of from the bottom up.

Watch episode 3!

When you’re working from the top down, you’re all over the place. You bounce from thing to thing.

When you work from the bottom up – you are focused on the most important thing to do. The one thing that will cause a ripple effect.

That gives you a calm, clear confidence.

That’s how you Lead – as we talked about in Episode # 2.

And that’s how you accomplish more in a week than you currently achieve in a month.

It’s how we help our clients achieve more in 100 days, than they’ve achieved in the previous 2 – 3 years.


I’d love to hear your comments and reactions over here on my Facebook page – CASh episode 3 – How To Always Know What To Do Next on Facebook.

About The Author

Dov Gordon

Dov Gordon helps consultants and coaches get clients - consistently.