Is it you – or how you go about it?

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking your setbacks, failures and disappointments are because there’s something wrong with you. But that’s not true. It’s not you, the PERSON.  It’s your PROCESS. It’s the way you’re going about it.  And when you change your process, you get a far better result. On some level,…

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How Adam suddenly sold a $40k project. Then a $30k one, too.

Sales is leadership.  And it is entirely learnable. — Tomorrow, Thursday, August 23rd, 2018 is the first LIVE Q&A coaching call for our “Elegant Sales Conversation” customers.  (ESC) Enroll today – and you get FOUR live bonus calls with me over the next six weeks. — Not only can you learn to lead an Elegant Sales…

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What IS the Plenty of Clients 100 Day Sprint, anyway?

What IS the Plenty of Clients 100 Day Sprint, anyway? Well, it’s quite simple.  Because if what you want is a mid-six-figure-lifestyle kind of consulting / coaching business, then you want SIMPLE. Over 100 days, I take you through a series of architected experiences.  With me by your side, you build a simple system that brings…

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Take nothing personally

Read this tweet from Robert Greene, author of “The 48 Laws of Power,” “Mastery” and several other classics. “Train yourself to take nothing personally.” You know the most common reply he got? “…HOW?” I’ll tell you how. Because like so many bits of true wisdom, I first heard it as a kid.  I nodded, “Yeah,…

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How to Train Anyone to Be Your Salesperson – in 90 seconds or less

Have you ever been to Traffic & Conversion or any other big, industry-specific conference?  The information is useful, but it’s the opportunity to meet potential clients that make these events really valuable. T&C attracts thousands. But even when there’s only a few hundred attendees, you can’t possibly get to meet them all. So how can you leverage…

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What should I charge?

“Don’t leave money on the table!” “Raise your fees!” “You can charge as much as you want.  You’re worth it!” The old question “What should I charge?” gets you all kinds of confusing advice. For newer consultant/coaches, wringing their hands about “What can I charge?” leads to paralysis. You don’t move as fast as you…

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CASh episode 6: When They Say ‘Prove You Can Help!’

What do you do when you’re talking with a potential client… And they throw this at you: “Prove that you can help me.” Also: How do you know if your prospect is ready for a proposal? You’ve had that happen to you, I’m sure, when a prospect says, “Send us a proposal.” And you send…

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CASh episode 5: Wrongly Thinking You Must Demonstrate Your Expertise

As you work to create a consistent flow of your ideal clients, you’re likely to feel: “I need to demonstrate my expertise.” “I need to establish my credibility.” Or you feel you need to prove smart you are. To prove that you can help them. This will often show up in your sales conversations where…

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CASh episode 4: To Be Free! And Lead Others to Freedom!

Where the average person sees limitation – the Alchemist sees freedom. Where the average person sees freedom – the Alchemist sees limitation. People often assume that “freedom” is the ability to do what you want without external limitations. It means having the money you want to buy anything you want. To travel anywhere you want.…

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CASh episode 3: How To Always Know What To Do Next

Does your marketing feel haphazard?  All over the place?  Unfocused?  Then you’re probably hacking at the leaves.  Skidding across the surface. Working from the top down instead of from the bottom up. Watch episode 3! When you’re working from the top down, you’re all over the place. You bounce from thing to thing. When you…

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