“So Dov, what percentage of your clients really gain $100k or more?”

That was the question I got by email from “Mark,” a business owner I spoke with last week. He is considering enrolling in my Plenty of Clients 100 Day Sprint. And he knows that what we do in the program is help consultants, coaches and other experts to build a simple, repeatable marketing and selling…

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Walking past the Banksy in your own backyard…

I’d never heard of Banksy until last week. As you may or may not know, Banksy is a British graffiti artist who has managed to remain anonymous – and notorious – for over twenty years. Some of his work sells for tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Others are painted over or sand-blasted…

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Why don’t I implement the marketing I should be doing?

Last week, I asked all who registered for my webinar on “I Spent Thousands on Info-Products, Now How Do I Make It All Work?” to email me and tell me why they signed up. One subscriber wrote back with this: Hi Dov, Very simply because the phrase ‘enough info, it’s time for income’ hit a…

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Stephen Lahey embarrassed me on Twitter last week

Last week, Stephen Lahey, of SmallBusinessTalent.com interviewed me for his podcast. It went online last Wednesday and for the next couple of days he posted some generous compliments across Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Some of it was just about embarrassing flattery, so I’m not going to share quotes. 🙂 But I appreciate his appreciation for the…

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How the master closes a sale.

Last week someone asked me if I teach “closing.” As in how to get someone to buy. I said no. I can’t teach something I don’t know how to do myself. And I don’t know how to ‘get’ someone to buy. But I do know how to sell. And my feeling is that if you’re…

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If you’ve been a high achiever, but struggle as a consultant, coach or expert

During the last ten days, three amazing people joined my Plenty of Clients Implementation Program. One used to head mergers and acquisitions at a large company. A year and a half ago he decided it was time to do his own thing. He’s got a particular genius for strategic issues and wants to be advising…

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This is how you experience ‘Total Focus.’

I thought I’d share with you some things I remind myself of consistently. I’d love to hear your reactions to this… The Alchemist Entrepreneur’s(TM) Credo: 1. Today, people and circumstances will conspire to make us feel weak, overwhelmed and as if we don’t have a choice but to react and respond. We are in constant…

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The Mrs. is something of a worrywart…

That’s what he told me: “The Mrs. is something of a worrywart.” After sharing his dream, where he’d love to take his business and his life, he reflected that, alas, “The Mrs. is something of a worry wart…” And so he didn’t take the plunge. More important than his dream – and his wife’s dream…

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Blake responds to your advice – and the winner

Thank you to all of you who left a comment with your advice for “Blake.”  (See “A warning for nice guys…“) I promised that the person with the comment judged to contain the best advice will win a free copy of my manual, “How to Systematically and Consistently Attract First-Rate Customers.” There were dozens of…

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A warning for nice guys (You’ll laugh, but only because this didn’t happen to you.)

“Blake” a new client, had gone silent. We’re all about getting results for you around here, so if you’re a client and you go silent, we nag you. Turns out Blake had recently entered a partnership and it wasn’t what he had hoped for. Read this and then leave a comment with your advice for…

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