It takes a wise man to recognize wisdom. The fool hears wisdom…
Someone wrote me saying he can’t attend Wednesday’s web-workshop because he’s got to be working at that time. “…Sure, I could possibly take off, but when I don’t work, I don’t get paid… Will you be doing one on a weekend?” I pointed out that the question isn’t where he is today. The only question…
Just spend money – or think? Hmm…
For years my motto has been: Strike at the root, where others hack at the leaves. While most out there push this or that tactic, around here we focus on the fundamentals. When you’ve got your fundamentals right, you can make any tactic work. When your fundamentals are confused, you’re running on that hamster wheel…
How Mike Rogers gets paid up front – from clients who “couldn’t afford it.”
When you’re smart, talented and you leave the corporate world to make your fortune – be sure to avoid these common bear traps. First, there are the clients who want you to work for equity. Or at least delayed payment. “We can’t afford your fee right now. And besides, this way you have a true…
Hours in front of the mirror practicing the “French drop”
I don’t know if you’ve ever dabbled in magic. As a kid I did. And it taught me a lot. In the magic world, as in the entrepreneurial world, there are the majority who are looking for quick wins, shortcuts and effortless glory. So they sell all kinds of tricks ‘out of the box.’ But…
Me – falsely accused of a superpower I do not possess
Would you want credit for a superpower you don’t have? I suppose it depends. If you’re about to be mugged and your assailant suddenly thinks he caught a glimpse of a big red “S” on your chest, and a calm, confident twinkle in your eye, that will work in your favor. But what if you…
100 years ago today in a Brazilian jungle…
100 years ago today, former US president Theodore Roosevelt was beginning his dangerous expedition through a dense, unexplored Brazilian jungle. It was February, 1914. Colonel Roosevelt was to sail down the Rio da Dúvida, the River of Doubt, an uncharted river that was thought to be a thousand kilometers long. The plan was to chart…
Orwell would be proud of this marketing Newspeak
Our world of business training has it’s own version of Orwellian Newspeak. For example: You can put 500 people on a webinar and you can CALL it coaching. But that’s NOT coaching. It might qualify as training, but it’s not coaching. To be coaching, each participant must get instruction. Followed by the chance to implement.…
This will help you trust – and be confident – in what you already know
Most of my clients are really good at what they do. They’ve spent years mastering their craft. They’ve got a high degree of confidence that they can and will make a big difference for their own clients. But after a year, two or even three years of struggling to market their expertise, their confidence has…
First step to turn your expertise into a real business
I got permission to share the following email with you. It’s from “J” who registered for my brand new web-workshop called “I Spent Thousands On Info-Products – now how do I make it all work?” — “I first encountered you from the Instant Teleseminar success series. I then found you were part of Bnonn Tennant’s…
Live web-workshop: If you’ve been soaking up information – but it’s not adding up to clients
Thank you to all of you who shared your thoughts in response to yesterday’s email “Living with the turmoil inside.” I got dozens of replies on the blog and via email. Many of you wrote about your own losses. A grandmother. A father. Or others who meant so much to you. And how even years…