Yes! Because when it's simple, you do it. When you know exactly what to do each day, you're no longer overwhelmed. You do it.
And because you do it, it works. It brings you clients. Consistently.
My name is Dov Gordon.
And while I'm an excellent coach and consultant, getting clients didn't come naturally to me.
For years, I struggled to find the people I could help. And when I found them, they often wouldn't 'get' how I could help them.
It was easy to fall into the trap of thinking "I must not know enough!" And so, I'd get the next book, the next course, the next shiny object that promised to fix things for me.
And then one day I had an epiphany: "Dov," I said to myself, "you could study marketing and sales your entire life and still not cover a fingernail's worth of what there is to know. It can't be that you don't know enough! It must be something else! But what?!"
It was then that I discovered that there are two paths to thrive as a consultant, coach or expert:
The Path of the Charismatic Guru vs. The Path of Mastery.
I was stuck on the first. It overwhelmed me and wasn't working.
But I belonged on the second.
Finally on the Path of Mastery, I found my voice, my plan, and a consistent flow of ideal clients.
It wasn't long before other consultants - somewhat enviously - demanded to know: "HOW did you get the CEO of THAT company as a client!?"
Eventually, I shifted my focus to helping other consultants, experts and firms - who are great at what they do. But getting clients doesn't come naturally to them.
And now, I'd like to lead you on a four-week intensive built for consultants. We call it "You: A Force to Be Reckoned With!"
When You Are A Force to Be Reckoned With:
You only go after the clients you really want. No more settling.
Everybody knows you need a niche. You need a client profile. Yadda, yadda, yadda.
But let me ask you:
Do you wake up and passionately go after the clients you really want? Or do you settle for the ones you think you can have?
88% of the consultants I talk to answer, "No. I'm not going after the clients I really want. Because I don't know how to Find them. How to Reach them. And, sometimes, how to Close them quickly."
But the truth is just the opposite: When you make a firm decision to go after the clients you really want - a COMMITMENT not to settle - that's when you find a way.
Once you've made this choice, you're ready to craft a Simple, Compelling Message.
If you've struggled with this before, there are a couple of reasons why this time it will finally come together:
1. You must first commit to your ideal client. It's a necessary prerequisite.
2. Setting modesty aside: No one is as good at messaging for consultants, experts, agencies and firms as I am. I'm known for this.
And in this first week of "Force," I work with you directly to craft a simple, compelling, head-turning message. Designed specifically to get the attention and interest of your ideal clients.
This is the first part of building your Mass - the real substance of effective marketing.
What must you do? Present your ideas and experiences in a way that makes you immediately stand out.
If you go talk about what you do in a way that sounds (yawn) like everyone else, your ideal client thinks, "Hmm. You sound like all those others. And they couldn't help me. So I assume you can't, either. Bye."
Except you can help them. You are the One They've Been Looking For!
In Week 2, I work with you personally to present your key ideas and experiences in a way that makes you stand out.
(Many coaches charge $5,000 - $10,000 just for the work you'll be doing in Week 2. And they're not as skilled.)
There you have it: The Clients You Want will now also want you.
Because now, you have Mass.
Time for Acceleration.
"I am just finishing the four week program this week, and here is what I already got from it —
1. A LOT more clarity around who I want to work with and how I help them. And how to state that succinctly in my client’s language.
2. A clear and simple plan of how to engage with and ultimately sell to more prospects.
3. A greater sense of confidence, ease, and focus when I am talking to prospects and referral sources about what I do.
I highly recommend "You: A Force to Be Reckoned With!"
"Sales and Marketing, for me, always felt like the first time I visited one of those big Chinese restaurants where the waitresses wheel trolleys of enticing dishes but you have to choose what you want...
Dov asked what I liked and didn’t like, and how hungry I was, then helped me choose the marketing/sales dishes that would be the most useful for me.
I genuinely feel like I'm a new person."
Troy took over a family business from his father, but he wanted to transition to a different sort of client.
But the clients he enjoyed working with the most were harder to find and harder to convert.
Together we devised a plan that is...
Elegant. Repeatable. Even enjoyable.
"Dov is amazing. Two things I really really appreciate and respect about him are the fact that he cares so much about his clients, and he has this brilliant strategic mind that’s just so good at zeroing in on what’s most important and figuring out solutions to issues that really matter.
Both of those things are rare. I know a fair amount of people that have one or the other of those traits, but it’s very rare to find both of them at once.
(In fact, it’s so rare I’ll share with you that I’ve actually tried on multiple occasions to get Dov to leave his business and come work for me in my company. I even tried to buy his business just to get him to join me, but he’s very committed to the work that he does on his own for his clients. So that was a non-starter, but I hope he was flattered at least.)
Really there are very few people in the online world or elsewhere that I respect and appreciate as much as Dov. So if you’re thinking about working with him in some way - consider this my glowing endorsing vote of confidence."
"Force!" is NOT a 'training' or a 'course.' It includes training, but it's so much more.
Each week, I will give you very specific tasks - to build your direct-to-the-client marketing system. You will do the tasks. And then you get my undivided feedback and guidance - 1-1 coaching from me to help you create the best system possible.
"Force!" is all about getting it done. Quickly. Ready to implement in 4 weeks or less.
And then - you get 4 MONTHS of After-Program Support. (See below...)
For more details and to see if you qualify, message Dov directly at
For more details and to see if you qualify, message Dov directly at
I believe with 100% certainty that Force! will change your business forever. It works. So I'm willing to take a chunk of the risk.
Here’s how it works: Join us. Do the assignments in Week 1 and join the small-group coaching call. That way you’ll have 5 days to decide if what we’re doing is for you. If not, email me before Friday of Week 1 and we’ll give you a refund of everything minus $500.
Why minus $500? Because that’s your skin in the game. This is a program where we work hands-on with a small number of people. It’s not a ‘course’ or ‘training’ where we can add as many people as we want. So the $500 keeps out the tire-kickers and allows us to give our all to those as committed as we are!
Let me show you how much you can achieve in just 28 days! The risk is almost entirely mine.
Join me.
The First 4 Weeks:
Each week has its assignments and homework. Those will be reviewed, developed and perfected with my direct help - over email and Zoom calls.
What if you need some extra help? No problem. You and I will get on another call. I'm committed to getting your marketing system whipped into shape in 4 weeks, period.
After Program Support:
After the first 4 weeks, you're still not on your own!
You have 4 months to ask me questions and get support directly from me via email.
NOTE: We don't use a Facebook group. Why? Because real coaching and skills building can't take place in a Facebook group. It's just not built for that. And we take our work with you too seriously. You're not alone.
ALSO you will have access to our entire Plenty of Clients suite of training materials ($2000 value alone - you get this after the first 4 weeks), allowing you go to a much deeper level of understanding, just like clients on our long-term coaching programs.
Mass is the substance: What to say. To Whom. So they instantly 'get' what you can do for them. And they want to know more. It's how you present your ideas to instantly stand out and be understood.
Acceleration is your simple direct-to-the clients plan that actually works. You see it works, so you implement it. And you accelerate.
When you bring Mass and Acceleration to your marketing, clients can't ignore you. They don't want to.
You: A Force to Be Reckoned With!