It’s remarkable how many entrepreneurs are comfortable… And unhappy.
Yeah, you’d like your business to be better. But you only go after it half-heartedly.
Because you engage in tail-wagging-the-dog kinda thinking.
For example, a consultant making about $85,000 a year tells me he’d like to get to $250,000. Or even more.
“But my family is important, too. And my health. I don’t want to have to work 80 hours a week. Or compromise my integrity.”
Notice how he assumes that to thrive in his business, he has to compromise on his values.
But why isn’t his assumption that he CAN make $250k AND have time for family, exercise and health? There are many people doing it. Why not him?
Here’s why: Because he doesn’t see HOW to do it. So he assumes he can’t.
Now, that’s the convoluted way most people think. We mix up the means and ends; the what and the how. We give up on a dream if we can’t see a paint-by-numbers path to get there.
But it’s not how the people you respect and admire think.
The people we admire first ask “Why and What?” And then they ask “How?”
That’s Accurate Thinking. And the fastest way to what you want is to make Accurate Thinking your default.
If the Why and the What are strong, you’ll figure out the How along the way.
But average folk… if the How isn’t crystal clear at the start, they’ll abandon the Why and the What…!
Which is why we call it tail-wagging-the-dog thinking.
Back to the consultant making $85,000 who wants to grow to $250,000.
There’s something comfortable about tail-wagging-the-dog thinking: limiting yourself to goals you think you know how to achieve.
Yeah, it’s comfortable. But that’s also the recipe for stagnation.
So many people are comfortable, but unhappy because they’re stagnating.
Stagnation happens when you choose the illusion of security, rather than moving forward in the face of uncertainty.
Which is why stagnation is like being one of the living dead.
To be ALIVE means that you first dream a dream. And then you pursue it.
Even though you will have to take risks. Even though you won’t know HOW you’ll get there.
It means you’ll need to spend money, invest time, be vulnerable… all before you know for sure that the money, time and relationships will ‘pay off.’
Nothing is certain. And nothing lasts forever. Not the hardships, nor the good times.
Except this one thing is certain: If you’re making your life decisions based on tail-wagging-the-dog thinking, (only going after what you think you can have vs. going after what you really want) you’re setting yourself up for lots of regrets.
Seize the day.
Dov Gordon
PS – The Plenty of Clients 100 Day Sprint is a 100 day long ‘workshop’ in which you’ll be seizing one day after another. We guide you with clear action steps. We review your work to ensure you’re not just doing it – but mastering the core skills. We answer your questions.
We give you everything you need to finally put in place what you’ve wanted to create for years.
The result? A consistent flow of your ideal clients.
Go here now for details and to apply.
You’ll get more done in the next 100 days than you did in the last 2 – 3 years.
Do you have questions about it? Just ask.