When you hit a wall with your marketing… keep hitting it.

Робот пылесос Roomba 780At some point, you’ll hit a wall.  Everybody does.

But will you be like a Roomba vacuum – bounce off and go in another direction – or like a pickaxe?

When you hit a wall and the wall doesn’t instantly crumble – do you wonder if you’re doing something wrong?

Do you start to doubt if you’re working on the right thing? If you’re doing it right?

Now, it IS important that you are working a plan that you have confidence in.  You need to believe it will work.

Listen to Murray talk about his experience
on the Plenty of Clients program:

What's remarkable is how many consultants, coaches and other experts are going through the motions of a marketing system they don't really believe in.

They're doing it because it seems to be what everyone is doing.  Or what someone told them they HAVE to do so they can succeed.

So they're doing it.

But inside, there's this nagging feeling of "I sure HOPE this works...  Because I don't really understand why it would."

Which brings me to one of the fundamental differences in the marketing our Plenty of Clients students create.

Plenty of Clients students create simple, repeatable systems that they understand.  They see how it makes sense.

And so they have confidence that what they're doing will work.

Because of that confidence, when they hit a wall - as everyone does, even with a sensible system - they don't bounce off.  But they look for where they can take a chip out of it.  And then another.  And another.

Until the wall comes crumbling down.  And the clients come flooding in.

Earlier this week Murray wrote me saying that because of the PoC he's got a consistent flow of leads and clients.

His new challenge is keeping up with it all.

We consider that a success.  😉

Did you pay special attention to the what Murray says about the detailed feedback and guidance he gets from my team and me on his work?

The high degree of real feedback and guidance is one of the reasons our clients progress so far in a short period of time.

Do you want to be our next success?  Go here and request a free "Consistent Flow of Clients" strategy chat with me.

It's our way to begin to get to know each other and determine if you are someone we can help as we did for Murray.


Dov Gordon

About The Author

Dov Gordon

Dov Gordon helps consultants and coaches get clients - consistently.