WATCH: Dov Gordon's Webinar Replay
Tired of doing and doing - but still not attracting the clients you really want?
How to Be Noticed, Be Valued, Be Paid
by the Clients You Want Most
Recorded LIVE June 2016!
Everything else is just a distraction!
This training is the perfect answer for you if you're feeling pulled in many directions with your marketing - and you want a simple process that actually adds up to consistent clients.
- How to create the "Eavesdrop Effect" so your ideal clients are eager to hear about what you do
- The super-simple method to choosing a niche, so all you do adds up to ideal clients
- The only six steps you need to include in your marketing and selling system
Not sure if this is worth your time?
More than TEN THOUSAND people went through this training over the last 18 months. Below, you can read a teeny tiny selection of emails we've received from participants.
Get instant access to the webinar replay!
I look forward to seeing you there.
-Dov Gordon
You'll have a consistent flow of ideal clients when you reach "simplicity on the far side of complexity."
There comes a time when you say to yourself: "Enough. I've been working too hard for these puny results. Following all sorts of advice from all sorts of marketing experts. But no matter how hard I work, it's not coming together. It's not adding up... The student is ready. Now, when will the teacher appear?"
I spent too many years struggling to get my consulting and coaching business off the ground. I was doing what the experts were saying. Or so I thought.
Fortunately, like you, I'm blessed with more than a bit of tenacity. Stubbornness. And that little voice inside kept telling me "Keep at it! Soon you'll figure it out."
I watched all the snake oil salesmen on the Internet making huge promises if I'd just fork over $1997. But I refused to bite. "These guys want my money, and then I'll be on my own. I need a teacher who actually cares. Someone who won't just dump a five pound box of stuff on my doorstep. Someone who will really care about me getting results."
The little voice was right, and one day the right teacher showed up.
In this teleseminar / webinar you'll learn:
- How to build a simple marketing system that brings you a consistent flow of clients.
- Why all my hard work - and yours - wasn't producing a steady flow of clients.
- The stupidest thing I didn't do. There was a simple decision I refused to make. I was scared. And yet not making that decision was simply stupid. Proof? Since making it, I've built a consistent flow of customers and clients. And you know what I see again and again? They, too, struggle to get clients because they refuse to make this decision. You'll learn what it is and how to make. Fast.
- Why lead generation has been so hard - and how to make it simple, predictable and consistent.This is one of those simple insights that I 'knew' for many years but thought I could ignore. When I finally "GOT IT" my business turned around within three weeks.
Your business should be fun. And nothing will make it fun faster than a consistent flow of ideal customers and clients. If you are a student eager for your own teacher to appear, listen to this seminar. I might be the teacher you've been waiting for.
Emails people sent - after they heard this teleseminar!
I just listened to the replay and it really helped me identify what was missing in my marketing.
I too was going straight to the fourth step with little thought to the first three steps and now that I am equipped with this information, I look forward to the new results that I will receive as I implement your steps.
So thank you for your transparency and please send me your notes so I can keep on track.
Thank you,
C. L.
Good morning Dov,
My name is Michael Lewis and I am an independent consultant in Sydney Australia. About 2 years ago, I left a successful corporate career working in the areas of B2B marketing strategy and customer insights to go solo.
Like many others you have encountered I'm sure, I am good at and enjoy what I do so I thought why not make a business of it. After all, all businesses really need a deep understanding of their clients to succeed!)
Your webinar totally resonated with me. Since embarking on my own, I have endured ALL of the frustrations that you spoke about… Did lots of reading and trying to do the many things experts say you are suppose to do such as networking, writing articles, blogging, joining associations, doing presentations—all of which have gotten nice FEEDBACK but not generating enough business. I even got a mentor here in Australia who basically just regurgitated much of what of the Alan Weiss' and co speak about.
Therefore I can honestly say it was very refreshing to hear from a mentor/expert who truly understands the great frustration that I have been going through.
I found your webinar recording to be very informative. The system you talk about while on the surface sounds so obvious… makes tremendous sense. And those key steps, especially the first initial ones, are very powerful. Other coaches etc talk about that kind of stuff but the way you articulate it really spoke TO ME!!
Look forward to hearing from you. All the best for the holiday season and the new year.
Michael L.
Hi Dov,
I quite enjoyed the webinar and I must say this is one of the best I've listened to in the way everything was laid out.
You have a nice steady way about you without all the unnecessary hype and extra noise and energy that just leaves me feeling scattered. (Yup - listened to a lot of those marketers, don't need it anymore. I can't learn from those ADHD types).
Marilyn Zink
Dear Dov,
I listened to your seminar recording several times today - and loved it! I loved most the way your incredibly powerful stories set the frame from the information before the information arrived. Brilliant!
Also loved the explanation of the target specific explanation to who specifically you're speaking to in my copy. And the take away free information download or information. I know mine own was speaking the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time! Thanks for that.
Looking forward to the case study seminar you said will hit my inbox next week.
Best regards,
Tim O'Grady
Hi Dov,
Thanks for your time and for sharing such valuable information! I am planning to start an internet business and will be reviewing your mp3 many times I'm sure.
Thanks again,
Keith Bird
Hi Dov
Excellent call – probably the most straightforward and usable strategic marketing advice I’ve heard for years and put really clearly...
Thank you.
Best wishes,
Richard Gregory
Hi Dov,
I was on the call and enjoyed it. I am notorious for getting on a teleconference call and dropping off 10 minutes later because so often the information is fluffy. I stayed, so there you are.
--Christine Taylor
Thanks so much for hosting yesterday's webinar. As a long-time corporate employee who's now an independent consultant, I found your insights extraordinarily valuable. I really appreciated how you distilled things into just a few simple precepts.
Thanks again for sharing your insights and experience.
--Adam Snitzer
Enjoyed your talk yesterday. I work for a large national construction firm – an industry absolutely pummeled by the recession – and increasing lead volume is critical for our overall health.
Construction, as a rule, is not the most sophisticated sales environment…which only compounds our challenge. But necessity is the mother of many things – including more openness and flexibility about how we approach both marketing and business development.
I appreciated the tips (and thanks in advance for sharing your notes) and will share them with my colleagues across the company. I suspect you'll generate some lively dialogue for us…thanks!
Wendy B.
Director of Business Development[Large national construction firm - name withheld by request]
Thanks so much for yesterday's teleclass! I really liked the foundational questions you posed. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the marketing of our services and the social media tools that we forget to ask ourselves those critical questions.
I'm in the process of revamping my website (my services are communication consulting, business coaching and personal coaching). Your ideas will help me take a fresh look at the content on my site and my service offerings.
--Noreen Kelly
Hi Dov,
I have a small loudspeaker company with a patented new technology, and your seminar has changed my whole approach to marketing my product. I now have a better understanding of what I need to do, and how I can “enter the conversation in my customers’ heads”. I even understand my own invention better, as I’m now thinking about it as a customer would.
I’ve learned more in an hour and twenty minutes from you than I have in all the 6 years since starting my business.Thank you for bringing your insights to us!
Gary Nicholson
Reprovox Audio Ltd
Hi Dov,
Thanks you very much for sharing your teleseminar and pointing out some of the pitfalls and nuances. Over the last two years I have absorbed lots of marketing messages and attended lots of marketing/sales events and this is the first that gave such a good succinct overview of it and why it doesn’t work for most people. Your point that most people jump in at point 4 is so true and it includes my own thoughts and actions around marketing/sales.
Thanks again,
--Nigel Hall
The Alchemist Entrepreneur
Helping you create a consistent flow of ideal clients.